
Add back Google Chrome Black Menu Bar

Google has removed the handy black top menu bar from it’s pages and replaced it with the dotted square icon that must be clicked to bring up a navigation menu. One more click doesn’t seem like a step forward to many of us as. Lots of people are complaining!topic/chrome/XEVP_TfF5k4

Thankfully, there’s a Google Chrome extension called “Proper Menubar” that creates a black menu on top of the Google pages. Individual menu items can be turned off/on through the settings for that extension (Click 3 lines button on Chrome > Settings > Extention > Click Options (link) at the “Proper Menubar” item.

Get the extension here:

I had to change the font color to white after unchecking some of the menu items, because it seemed after doing so, I couldn’t read the menu item. That setting change is in the same place as where you select/de-select menu items, except you have to click on the “Design” tab on the left to get into the color customization area.