Archives › 2019 › January

DOL SIMPLE IRA Plans for small business publication

DOL (Department of Labor) SIMPLE IRA Plans for small business publication: Most of the information is the same as the IRS, however we noticed this more stringent salary deferral deposit requirement: For plans with fewer than 100 participants employers can deposit salary eduction contributions with the plan no later than the 7th business day after […]

QuickBooks Desktop – Create and manage your Payments user ID

Create and manage your Payments user ID We are making payments more secure than ever before. The new authentication system will require every QuickBooks Desktop Payments user to have their own user credentials to be used in QuickBooks for processing payments. Users who don’t have an Intuit ID can create one and request access from […]

2019 Retirement Plan Limitations

2019 Retirement Plan Limitation highlights: The contribution limit for employees who participate in 401(k), 403(b), most 457 plans, and the federal government’s Thrift Savings Plan is increased from $18,500 to $19,000. The catch-up contribution limit for employees aged 50 and over who participate in 401(k), 403(b), most 457 plans and the federal government’s Thrift Savings Plan […]

Year End Center: QuickBooks Online Payroll Full Service

Year End Center: QuickBooks Online Payroll Full Service